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What purity of silver wire is used?

The silver wires we use are .999 pure (Three 9).
We order our silver directly from the refinery in large quantities. This "Three 9" grade of silver is Ultra-pure the best that is available. (So this means that less than 1 Parts in every 1000 could be an impurity)
NOTE: Many companies incorrectly refer to silver wire purity. Three 9 silver or .999 silver is the mathematical equivalent of 99.9%. Three 9 silver is the Ultra-Pure grade silver production.
The grade Four 9 silver or .9999, which is mathematically equivalent to 99.99%.
(this means that less than 1 part in every 10,000 can contain a impurity)
The highest grade of silver that man can make commercially is Five 9 silver or .99999, which is mathematically equivalent to 99.999%. (Five 9 silver is an incredibly difficult purity to manufacture, and requires extremely precise manufacturing methods and very costly equipment. Expect to pay 80-200 times more for this Hyper-pure silver; if indeed you can even find it.)
(Being this pure everything that comes in contact with it will contaminate the purity 'this means that less than 1 part in every 100,000 can contain a impurity!')

The error you will come across is manufacturers stating that their silver is Three 9 silver and refer to it as being 99.999%, or even more misleading is incorrectly stating that their Four 9 silver (.9999) is actually 99.9999%. Nothing could be further than the truth! 99.9999% would be the same mathematically as .999999, which is actually Six 9 silver!
The technology to make "real" Six 9 (.999999) silver is not here yet. If it were, it would cost over 200-800 times the cost.
Can you see how easily people can be mislead by the grade of the silver?